Selecting the Right Hair Style

photo credit: geloo

It is all very well to admire certain celebrities and to think that we could also look that way only if we had that exact same hair style, but such ideas are doomed to failure. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but the fact is that there are many factors to consider when picking a hair style; liking someone else’s should be among the last of them!

Consider firstly the sort of hair you have – is it straight, is it curly or is it wavy? Is it thick or sparse? It is coarse or fine? Is it obedient and easy to style or unmanageable? These factors ought to be taken into account when choosing a hair style.  For instance a certain kind of layering of hair may be more suited to wavy hair and with poker straight hair; this may fall a little flat. Also a very short bob with straight hair may give that Demi Moore in Ghost kind of impact, but the same hair style with curly hair may give a most undesirable gollywog effect!

Consider the shape of your face – The shape of your face and facial features are probably as important, if not more important when picking the right hair style for you. The sort of hair style that is suited to a round, fuller face will not suit a lean or narrower face as well. A heart shaped face can carry off a great many styles that another face shape may not be able to. Similarly a high brow can carry off bangs more easily than a narrow forehead.  A really talented hair stylist will be able to advise you appropriately in terms of the sort of hair style that will accentuate your best features and play down your flaws. A softly layered style that settles around the face can detract attention from a heavy jaw for instance. Or hair swept off the face can draw attention to high cheekbones and beautifully expressive eyes.

Consider your lifestyle – Are you a low maintenance girl or a high maintenance girl? Will your hair style take a lot of upkeep in terms of styling products and time and effort each day to keep it looking a certain way?  If you decide to get your hair certain chemical treatments such as straightening (rebonding) or perming, you should know that you will have to give your hair a lot of TLC and protection. If you have the sort of job that requires a sober updo each day, there is really not much point in having an elaborate hair style that is inappropriate for the office environment.

Take the help of hairstyle websites – There are a number of websites (free and paid), that offer you a range of hair styles in terms of color, cuts, lengths, and so on that also let you upload your own photo so that you can check how a given hair style is going to look on your face. So take some time and check out how you would look in that particular celeb hairstyle you have your eye on, and have a little fun at the same time!


About the Author:

Sarika is a strong proponent of natural treatments that do not cause side effects and give rise to other conditions. Check out her list of home remedies for common hair conditions like alopecia, premature greying, dandruff and so on. Hair loss is a growing problem that affects more and more people each year. Be sure to find a hair loss cure that works for you.

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  1. Boy, oh, boy do I struggle with finding the right hairstyle for me! You are so right that there are many factors that come into play when it comes to getting a new hairstyle. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone to a stylist with celebrity picture in hand only to wonder why the heck I don’t end up looking like them. Guess I need to try one of those websites :)