How Working Moms Can Stay in Touch with Kids at School

Over the past few decades there has been a major shift in the ways families operate. During the mid-1900s it was uncommon to see mothers working outside the home, whereas today it is normal. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with mothers who choose to work outside of the home, many of these women struggle with finding ways in which they can still be a part of their children’s life at school. Below are a few tips for how working mothers can still be involved in their children’s school activities while maintaining their job outside of the home.

Take Time Off for Class Trips. If your job allows you to take off work occasionally, then you should take consider taking off work to attend your child’s class when they go on field trips. Teachers are always looking for parents to volunteer on these trips as they need help supervising the children. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get to know your child’s friends and visit with the teacher about how he or she is doing in school.

There isn’t a rule that states the only time you can take off work is for family vacations. While you are most likely only allotted so many paid days off a year, your boss may be willing to let you take off a few days without pay as well.

Volunteer to Help with Class Parties. Volunteering to help with class parties throughout the year is another great way to stay involved with your child’s social interactions at school. Class parties usually give parents a better opportunity to watch their children interact with others, as well as, get to know their friends a little better than other school activities. This mainly has to do with the fact that a class party is usually held in one classroom at school where children aren’t able to run all over like on class trips.

Attend Extracurricular Activities. Even if you aren’t working somewhere that allows you to take off occasionally, you still have opportunities to be involved with your child at school. Attending your child’s extracurricular activities is one of these opportunities. There are a lot of school functions that go on “after hours” such as sporting events, academic bowls, cheerleading practices, choir and band rehearsals and much more. Make it a point to drop by and watch some of these things after work. It will mean a lot to your child.

Join the PTA or School Board. Joining the PTA or school board are more ways that you can be involved with your child’s school. The best part is that the meetings for both of these groups are held in the evenings when everyone is off work. These particular groups make an impact on the direction that the school is going, which is a major bonus to becoming a part of them.

Help a Booster Club. There are other groups within the school that you can be a part of as well. For example, many schools have “Booster Clubs” for various groups where parents can help with specific activities their children are involved in. If your child in involved in FFA, you could help the AG Boosters, for instance. Generally, these groups of parents help raise money for the programs to create a better experience for their children. You can always organize a Booster Club if there isn’t one for a particular activity your child is involved in too!

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