When you plan a craft for a group of people, you have to think about crafts that are easy for all ages attending to do, but they still need to be interesting. Additionally, prepare crafts that can be done with items purchased in bulk. Below are a couple of ideas to help make your group craft more interesting and fun.
1. Refrigerator Initials (Ages: preschool through beginning gradeschool)
Items Needed:
- Construction Paper
- Blank 4×6 index cards
- Magnet adhesive strips (flat)
- White Glue
- Hot Glue Gun
- Fun stuff (glitter glue, beads, markers, buttons, small shells, paint, etc.)
Each participant should receive three index cards. Have each child outline the initials of their name with the index cards. Then, using the fun materials, have the children glue on their favorite items within the letters’ outlines to better form the letters. (You may need to help the younger children with this step.)
Once the fun stuff has been glued on, have the children glue their index cards on construction paper. (The construction paper should be precut into to rectangles that are just a tad bigger than the index cards.) Finally, stick the magnets on the back of each index cards and the craft is done!
2. Candle Making (Ages: Older Children, Teens and Adults)
Items Needed:
- Crayon Stubs
- Old Candles
- Old Metal Cans
- Essential Oils
- Electric Skillet
- Hot Pads
- Hot Glue Gun
- Packing String
- Cut Candle Containers (jars, tea cups, mugs, etc.)
Take the metal cans and place pieces of crayons and old candles in them. You should sort the candles out by color. Next, put the cans on the skillet after adding about two inches of water and heat until simmering. Once the wax has melted, add one or two drops of the essential oils for a light fragrance (optional).
Prepare the candle container while the wax is in the process of melting. To do this, cut the string to form wicks and use a hot glue gun to attach the wicks to the bottom (center) of each candle container. You can either hold the wick straight while pouring the wax in or attach it to a pencil and rest on top of the jar in order to keep it straight.
Place the container on a hot pad and slowly pour the melted wax into the candle container. This needs to be done slowly or else the glass containers may crack. Once the wax has hardened (cooled) remove the wick from the pencil and trim down. Then, the candle is complete!
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