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Benefits of music education for kids

Benefits of music education for kids

One day, seemingly out of nowhere, your child makes the declaration to you that s/he wants to play the trumpet or maybe even the flute. Sure, you like music well enough, but that’s when it’s played by accomplished musicians. In your mind, all you can think of are countless hours of squeaky notes and loud honks.

Think a bit broader because when it comes to the benefits that come with a child that’s involved in music education, the list is endless. And at the end of the day, they’re all far worth the sacrifice of your money, time, and even your hearing. (As far as the ears, it’s usually only until they get the hang of it!)

Here are five of the benefits of music education for kids below.

It encourages creativity. A man by the name of Barthold Georg Niebuhr once said that it is better to create than to learn. Most of us would probably say there is a happy medium between the two, but the point is that when a child is allowed to be creative, it taps into their imagination by encouraging them to think outside of the box. When they’re able to do that, it builds self-confidence in the ability to do the impossible. (Indeed, there are lots of inventions that were once seen as impossible thoughts, right?)

It develops skill and self-discipline. If they are literally partaking in a music education class, this means that they have to go at a certain time, they have to learn how to care for their instrument, they have to study sheet music and they have to practice on a daily basis. All of these things require skill and self-discipline, both of which are needed in every stage of one’s life.

It helps them to set high standards. In some ways, music and math have certain things in common. In math, there is a formula that helps you to get to a certain answer. If you don’t apply it, you won’t reach that goal. In music, there is a similar approach. A wrong note is a wrong note. There’s no way around that. So, music education also teaches children to strive for not just “doing OK”, but for excellence.

It teaches them about other subjects. A good music educator is not just going to make sure your child knows how to play; s/he will also help your child to understand what they’re playing from classical pieces to songs of other cultures. It’s a wonderful way to get (at the very least) a series of history and geography lessons all in one place!

It gives them problem-solving skills. Did you know that there are studies to support the fact that children with a background in the Arts actually score higher on their SATs? Researchers believe that it’s partially due to the fact that there is a literal link between music (for one) and a child’s ability to think critically, while also seeking for one more than one way to address a problem. If none of these other answers won you over, a high scoring junior or senior in a college placement test should definitely give you reason to reconsider. And you never know, one day your older child may come to you again and say that they’re looking into some music degrees online, but if music education got s/he this far…why not?


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