How to use Pinterest to market your website

Pinterest has swiftly risen from a simple online board where friends share pictures of their favorite things, to a key component in the online marketing campaigns of most businesses. It’s a virtual bulletin board, giving users the ability to visually share ideas, repost links from your favorite bloggers, and even promote new product releases. As with all online innovations, it can take a while to figure out how to turn the social media site into a useful took for your business. But Pinterest has become a viable marketing tool, as long as you are willing to dig around a bit and thank creatively. Here are a few ways you can use Pinterest to start marketing your website.

If a blog is part of your website and something you’d like to promote, Pinterest can be a definite weapon. Remember that Pinterest is a visually-driven site, so beef up the amount of images you use in your blog and start pinning them up on your Pinterest board. And if you add a “Pin It” button under every image in your blog, you’ll make it very easy for your current fans to post it on their own boards. That will help drive new traffic from Pinterest back to your website and expand your outreach efforts dramatically.

Pinterest is all about interaction with individuals, and is a great way to connect with your customers. Create a Pinterest board connected to your website, and then go out and get involved with the boards of your current customers. The more you can interact, the more interaction you will receive in return. Lay the technology groundwork into your website, so that your current customers can easily pull product images and articles and pin them to their boards.

Pinterest is also a great way to show customers different ways to interact with your products and your brand. Pinterest boards are organized by theme, so don’t just set up a single board for your website, but a host of themed boards. Whether it’s a “favorite things” board, or boards focused on travel, entertainment, technology or just “new and exciting”, you can post your website’s products in a variety of places and receive interest from a different customer base. Many people interact with Pinterest searching by theme, so posting the same product on different boards will help you reach an expanded audience.

Another fantastic side effect of Pinterest is that you can use it as a way to “humanize” your website. People want to buy from individuals not corporations, and it is that personal connection that keeps customers coming back as much as the quality of the product. So when you launch your website’s Pinterest board, make sure you also set up personal boards and pin things as yourself. New and old customers will get to see you as an individual, which will always help retention.

Finally, keep the larger possibilities of the technology in mind. You can embed affiliate links in all the images you pin on Pinterest. You can also set up a relationship with other websites where you pin their products and receive a payment each time people click through those pinned images and purchase something. If you find it works, you can do the same with other blogs and websites and your products. It’s a fantastic way to monetize internet marketing that isn’t off-putting to customers. Keep that revenue stream in mind after you have a sizeable impression built on Pinterest.

Post provided by Amit Hooja

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