What is the future of education

In the past decade, there has been an increasing trend toward the digitization of both commodities and services. People read books online, do their banking online and can even go grocery shopping without ever leaving their computer. So why is it that online education still raises eyebrows among advocates of a more traditional college experience?

Certainly there are many benefits in having direct access to equipment you will need in a career, but much of the learning that takes place in a traditional classroom can easily be transferred into an online environment. In fact, an electronic learning campus has proven to be superior in several ways, and can help even the most disadvantaged student successfully complete a degree.


Without the need for a brick-and-mortar classrooms, and all the costs associated with them, online universities are able to operate at a much lower budget. That, in turn, reduces tuition considerably. After years of rising expenses, such programs are the only ones the average American can afford. By offering shorter terms at fair prices, these colleges have filled a vital market for people who need training but can’t muster up the funds to attend either a public or private university.

Specialized Curricula

A standard four-year degree at any college is full of “bloat” classes meant to give students a well-rounded education. Schools with mandatory humanities requirements as part of a degree in mathematics, or advanced calculus courses in an English degree, are all too common and a waste of time and money for any student that needs his or her necessary qualifications as quickly as possible. An online program makes it easier to cut out the fluff and sculpt a degree to fit an individual’s particular needs.


Finally, the most attractive feature of online education is the fact that it has no set lecture hours. Students can log on to their classes and browse the posted materials at their leisure. This is a godsend for those with a job, especially one with irregular hours, or children. Recognizing this, even physical institutions such as Sanford Brown are adding to their online offerings, much to the delight of their students.


One of the more convenient and innovative features in the coming years could be the growth of “learning streets”– that is, virtual street fair type learning environments, where students can drop in on various curbside lectures and leave at their discretion. This could be deal for students who need to pick and choose elements of different lessons in order to write a thesis or study for an exam.

It used to be that college was for young men and women fresh out of high school, with few responsibilities or worries to drag them down. Now, however, even those who never had the opportunity or made poor decisions have a chance to better themselves through higher education. The future of learning is online, and it’s up to colleges to modernize themselves, or watch their competition prosper.

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