Work at Home for Marriott Hotels

Here’s a work at home job a friend of mine shared with me not long ago. She does alot of work at home job searching and found that Marriott Hotels has an AT HOME AGENT program for Reservation Sales and Customer Care. It appears to be only certain states – Texas, South Carolina, Arizona, Nebraska and Utah and certain cities – Miami, FL, San Antonio, TX, Sarnia, ON Saskatoon, SK, and Solon, OH.

Here is just some of the information they provide on their website: Marriott Global Reservation Sales & Customer Care

“This position is responsible for consistently providing world class customer service to our guests on inbound calls to book room reservations and to provide customer service information. We are seeking qualified candidates in communities with excellent voice quality and communication skills that will enhance our guests’ experience.

Please note this is a sedentary position which requires an At Home Agent to provide an area within one’s residence in order to complete job duties without interference from outside disturbances or distractions, so as complete attention is focused upon our guests’ service needs.

This position requires that you be available for work according to a flexible, rotating schedule, which means an At Home Agent may not always work the same days each week. At Home Agents are required to be available for scheduling any day of the week between the hours of 06:00 (6 a.m.) to 02:00 (2 a.m.). This includes your availability to work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.”

“We do offer an excellent standard benefits package. Whether you are full time or part time, you benefit from greatly discounted Marriott hotels rates. We also offer medical, dental, life, and disability insurance policies based on work status that provide protection at affordable rates. ”

Pay begins at $7 an hour but it looks to me like it is a job with benefits not an independent contractor position.

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  1. Unfortunately, the option isn’t available at all locations just in a few select states.

  2. Hi there,
    I work for the Sarnia Marriott Reservation Center and at home agents is not available in Sarnia.

  3. melissa alvarado says:

    I work at the san antonio marriott reservation center and I have been in the center for 2 yrs , next week I start my new position at home as a marriott resort home agent! I cant wait , im gonna save alot on gas and food! Cant Wait!

  4. Congratulation Melissa I’m so excited for you.

  5. Sarah Alawami says:

    Well I tried this and I can’t apply for the job. You have to select a location and there is no location to select. then there is no position to select eather so How can I do this: I am interested in doing this.

  6. Suzanne says:

    That sound like such an interesting opportunity. Thank you for sharing information about it.


    would love to be able to work from home as a reservation
    agent would like to find out more about how to become one
    please email more info
    thank you

  8. Tanya O'Connor says:

    I live in Arizona. I’m wondering if someone could give me the website to put an application in for the at home agent doing reservations and customer care. I’d appreciate any help or information I can get…Thank you so much for your time.

  9. how do i apply for this work at home job?

  10. Delores, Tanya and celcelia -This was posted over a year ago as Nan mentioned in a previous comment. You should visit Marriott’s website or contact them for up to date information.

  11. Customer Ratings says:

    The pay isn’t good but the benefits might help make up for that.

  12. Ruth B. Fore says:

    I am interested in working at home for whatever the Marriott
    Hotel has to offer at this time.

  13. As a syndicated columnist I do not receive health insurance. I tried many “Health insurance” jobs from retial to teachin then I found Marriott reservations. I started part time by working at a center. Last year I became a home agent. I now work 40hrs a week. I love it. Pay is fair plus you can get bonuses there are yearly pay hikes and a great benefits package. The training is wonderful. I live in the Clevleand area.At present they are only looking for home agents. Just go to Mr. Marriot says “if we take care of our associates they will take care of us.” That is not just talk but fact.

  14. What website do you go to to get an application an try to see if you can be a home agent??????? For those of you who are working at home please answer this request. I have been trying for three years to work this way.

  15. It is a position like this that makes it possible to really work from home. If you are responsible for consistently providing world class customer service to our guests on inbound calls to book room reservations and to provide customer service information, that is an important job. I have looked at other ways to make money as well, but this one seems really good. Thanks!

  16. Sandra McCoy says:

    I have tried and tried to apply for an at home agent for Marriott, but each site just routs you to something irrelevant or back to this site. Where do you apply? I’m in SanAntonio, TX., Thanks

  17. storkclub says:

    Thanks for sharing.I hope they add more states soon so that many of us can have more opportunities.With this economy , i need extra income for my family.

  18. First you have to apply to be a reservation agent in office. Once hired you will go through training and after 90 days they start offering at home positions based on business need. That is the way it is done in San Antonio at least.

  19. Jean Stark says:

    I live in Greenwood, SC. and have always wanted to be involved with Marriott. We own many weeks, I am retired, have a lot of time, must be at home, am a docent at the local college, and need to have a work-at-home job. This all sounds interesting.