How to chat with doctors online

Online doctors are becoming more common due to the widespread use of the Internet. I think this is good news for busy parents who might not have the time to visit a doctor for minor aliments. Currently, many parents might still be unaware of how online doctors work so I will take this post to explain the details of the process and what are the benefits to a busy parent.

Chatting with a doctor usually involved using a couple of common online communication tools such as Skype or mobile phone. All you need to do is to first book an appointment with any of the online doctors that you wish to communicate. At the scheduled time,  either the doctor will call you or you can call the doctor’s hotline. Most often, the call is recorded for review purposes. It will serve as a form of documentation that both doctors and patients can refer to in the future.

However, one concern is whether an online doctor is really qualified to give any advice. The best thing is to make sure the online clinic has been registered with a formal authority such as the carequality commission in UK. Typically, these government bodies will ensure that the online doctor meet a certain level of qualifications before they are allowed to offer any kind of online advice. Beware of websites where they don’t show any form of registration with any formal authority. Even with the registration logo being displayed on the site, it is still safer to do a check on whether the site has really been registered by visiting the government authority’s website.

Once you have secured the service of an trusted online doctor, you will find that proper healthcare is no longer a time wasting event. You can always book your appointment ahead of time and spend only a couple of minutes with the doctor to analyse your symptoms. Prescriptions can then be collected at any designated offline clinics. Once you have experienced an online medical service, you probably will not want to go back to the offline way.


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