Purchasing your child’s first car

As a parent you want nothing but the best for your children. You watch them grow before your very eyes. Before you know it, it is time to buy them their first car. Making this kind of purchase is a monumental step. A car allows them to have more freedom. Ensuring their safety is the most important thing to take into consideration.

Dependability Over Looks

Choosing the right type of vehicle for your child is crucial. But a chid needs to understand that not everything revolves around the appearance of the car. Of course it is great to have a nice car that you can show off, but looks only go so far. There are more important aspects of the car than the make and color.

The first thing to look at is the gas milage. As an adult with a full time job, affording gas can be easy. But as a teenager, getting great gas milage is a must. Teenagers only work a part time job. If their car only gets 11 miles to the gallon, then they are going to spend their whole paycheck filling up the tank.

The second thing to look at is the milage on the car. It is extremely important that you purchase a car that is going to be dependable, and possibly last them until the end of high school or even college.

Lastly, the safety rating is important as well. Every parent wants to know that their child’s vehicle is going to keep them safe.

New or Used

A child’s first car should not cost you an arm and a leg. Keep in mind that they are learning how to drive, which means that there is a greater possibility for them to get in a fender bender. No matter what type of car it is, you can often find it used. Going to a used car lot can give you and your child the experience of buying a new car.

Teach Them Responsibility

Even used vehicles can cost a pretty penny. As your child enters this world of freedom, they must understand that is comes with a price. Even if you – as a parent – are purchasing the vehicle, it necessary that your child understand the responsibility they have. They need to take care of the car. This is their property and they need to keep up with maintenance such as oil changes and rotating the tires. A child can’t think that their vehicle is disposable and if they have a problem with it then you will just buy them a new one. Although purchasing a car for the first time can be exciting, it is also a new world of responsibility.

Some of these life changing moments can come before you know it. It is important to plan for everything that is going to come with it. From the purchase of the vehicle to looking into insurance companies such as 21st Century, and even teaching your child how to maintain their car after you get it home from the lot. No matter how overwhelming the thought of your child growing up can be, this should be an exciting moment. Cherish it.

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