Use social media site Pinterest for your book promotion

SUMMARY: Before the advent of self-publishing, authors wrote to a list of literary agents and publishers with the hope that the covering letter and sample chapters would be enough to gain him or her lucrative contract and take the strain away from book promotion. However, times have changed and self-publishing is now mainstream and popular. The use of social media sites like Pinterest can go a long way to helping an author achieve success.


New authors may be excited to let the world know about their first or latest book, and it can be a challenge to put a book promotion plan into action. Public relations (PR) can be an expensive way to promote a book, and there is no guarantee of success! Unless the author is fortunate to attain a contract with a large publishing firm, the level of sales and popularity of the book is down to the author. Focus instead on building an author profile through one of the many social media websites. There are a variety of platforms that can be used as book promotion for new authors, including Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Choose a catchy name for each social media site that is memorable.


 New authors need a personal website

Another good way to self-promote a book is to set up a personal website. Become a prolific writer and update the site regularly with interesting, original content. Apply social media links underneath each article, which will allow your readers to promote your works. Check other author profiles on social networking sites to gain inspiration on how to take the next step in book promotion. Use a picture in your articles, which will look good when promoted on Pinterest, and make the picture quirky to gather interest from potential buyers.


 Write interesting content relating to your book

All non-fiction authors have the scope to write content that directly links to their content. The creation of backlinks on a website is an excellent way to achieve a healthy page ranking on Google and other search engines. This means that specific keywords relating to your book will be rated higher on search engines. Focus on writing interesting, original content.


The belief in success

Throughout the ages, “Law of Attraction” gurus have claimed that a healthy attitude attracts the opportunities that will help you achieve the success you desire to attain. Choose a popular author that has achieved success, and gain inspiration from him or her. Do not focus on money as the incentive for success. Instead, use book promotion as a way to let the world learn more about your personality, your worldly views, and your hopes for the future.


 Interact with readers

There is always a chance that your book will achieve overnight success, which is why you should regularly engage with your readers. This will exhibit gratitude. Another effective tool for book promotion is to give away a copy of your book for a reader to review. Publish this review on your website and other social networking sites. Ask the reader to publish their review on Amazon, or through his or her website. The more the readers are who learn about your website and books, the greater your chance of success.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelancer interested in Smith Publicity Inc., a trusted name for Book Promotion and book marketing services.

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