Fun scrapbooking craft ideas for kids

While most kids love to run around outside and burn off their abundant stores of energy, there will also be times when they’re happy to sit at the table and work on craft projects. As a parent, you should encourage them in both pursuits since you want them to improve their motor skills and their mental prowess in every way possible. But when it comes to getting crafty with the kids you might face some issues. For one thing, you might worry about children of various ages handling some of the sharp tools required for scrapbooking. Or some of the kids may get bored with the process. Heck, you might simply run out of new ideas to keep them occupied. Luckily, there are solutions to all of these potential problems. Here are just a few ideas that will help to ensure that everyone is having fun when you settle in for a day of family scrapbooking.

While you can certainly go for tried-and-true strategies when it comes to scrapbooking, heading to the craft store for everything from albums to paper to stickers can get pretty pricy, especially when you consider that kids can blow through an entire notebook and scribble on every page in a matter of minutes before announcing that they’re done. The trick here is to create interactive projects that challenge their minds and their motor skills but keep them engaged for more than a few minutes at a time. So you’re going to have to turn the traditional concept of scrapbooking on its head. And there are almost unlimited ways to do so.

For example, who ever said that scrapbooking had to be 2-dimensional? Or that you had to buy the items you want to use? Consider that you might take the kids out for a nature hike in the morning and have them collect materials for scrapbooking later in the day. This will not only help them to burn off some energy so that they’re better able to sit still and focus later in the day, but they can each put together a collection of leaves, twigs, moss, pinecones, and pebbles with which to engineer an artistic creation. From there you can have everyone creating scrapbook “pages” that feature not only a photo collage, but also a 3D element thanks to the items they picked up earlier. Or if you’d rather stick to paper and traditional craft supplies, consider that you might help them put together a pop-up style scrapbook. Adding another dimension to your projects could make them more fun and interesting for your kids.

In truth, you should also consider working with a fourth dimension: virtual space. You might be amazed by what you can find in the online arena and it could help to interest kids that are more technical than creative. For starters, you can find tons of templates and tutorials to help you come up with inventive new ideas to try with your children. But you may also discover that sites like Shutterfly and Flicker give your kids an opportunity to be creative without having to get crafty. They can put together photo books for friends and relatives that look professional without the frustrations that sometimes come from the physical process of cutting, pasting, and so on. Or you can download free photo editing software like Gimp that lets them turn a simple picture into an artistic creation. Not every kid is going to love getting messy with glitter and glue, so look to online options to ensure that all of your children can have fun with the scrapbooking process.


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