5 mistakes to avoid for child’s birthday party

There are a lot of us who remember having some pretty awesome birthday parties while we were growing up. And now that we’re parents and we have kids of our own, we definitely want to make each year that they turn older an extra special celebration that they will remember for years to come as well.

Yet sometimes in the midst of the party-planning process, some mistakes are made; ones that can end up wasting a lot of time and even costing a lot of money. So, in order to help you to avoid some of the common mistakes that are oftentimes made while planning a child’s party, we’ve listed five of them below:

mistakes to avoid for child's birthday party

Waiting until the last minute to book a venue. If you want to have a party at a place other than your house, don’t assume that you can call them four weeks ahead of time in order to secure the date that you want. The reality is that a lot of places that host birthday parties tend to book up pretty quickly and so it really is best to contact them no less than eight weeks ahead of the date that you’re planning to have the party.

Assuming that people who confirm are coming. Although, it would be great if everyone you sent an invitation to confirmed ahead of time if they were coming (or not), the reality is that there are a lot of people who don’t even do that at weddings, let alone for a child’s birthday party. That’s why you shouldn’t ask for parents to reserve a spot until 10 days prior to the party (that way, they are more likely to remember the party) and you should always plan for 10 more kids to come than actually confirmed; just in case.

Not having enough help. One assumption that a lot of parents who are hosting a birthday party for their child tend to make is that the parents are going to stay for the party itself. The reality is that based on how old your child is and how long the party is scheduled to last, oftentimes, they will simply drop them off. This is why it’s important that you get a few family members and friends who are willing to help you keep up with all of the busyness that is going on.

Ignoring your child’s wishes during the planning process. Say that you decide to rent out a banquet hall and then you contact a company like The Train Quest for some party rental tips on how you can decorate the place. Only, your child would prefer to have a party at a place that has video games instead. Remember that while you are the one who is paying for the party, the event is really all about your child. So, as you’re busy making plans, make sure they get a vote. (A strong vote, at that.)

Relying on your credit cards. As you’re purchasing all kinds of things so that your child’s birthday party goes off without a hitch, try not to rely a lot on your credit cards. No matter how much credit you have on them, they are basically loans that come in the form of tiny pieces of plastic. So, try and pay for what you need in cash as much as possible. Remember, your child will simply like hanging out with friends and receiving presents. Everything is just a bonus. Happy party planning!


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