5 alternatives to traditional birthday cake

When throwing a birthday party, it is traditional to make a cake, top it with candles, and sing the birthday song. But these days there are so many dessert options that rival cake in both convenience and variety for guests that you might decide to break the mold and think outside the box for your child’s next birthday party.

Here are a few fun alternatives that are sure to sate every child’s sweet tooth.

alternative to children birthday cake


  1. Cake pops. Kids love both suckers and cake, and they can get both when you opt to skip the entire cake in favor of cake balls on sticks. You can order them from a variety of online vendors or buy them at nearby bakeries that are willing to produce them. But you can also make them on your own with recipes found online. The beauty of cake pops is that you can make them in a variety of flavors and decorate them all differently for a display that will delight the kids.
  2. Sundae bar. A fun way to do dessert is to let the kids at your child’s birthday party custom create their own sweet treats. With a sundae bar you can scoop out the ice cream each child prefers and then let them top it with fruit slices, sprinkles, candy, syrups, whipped cream, and anything else their little hearts desire. It might be messy, but the kids are guaranteed to love it (provided they’re not lactose intolerant).
  3. Chocolate fountain. Fondue is fun, but trusting kids to control themselves with molten chocolate is a recipe for disaster. A chocolate fountain solves this problem by removing the element of heat. Okay, in all honesty, the chocolate is kept warm by a heater in the base. This is necessary to keep it from returning to a solid state. But the temperature is so low that the chocolate should never get hot enough to burn anyone. So kids can safely dip skewers containing marshmallows, cake bites, fruit, and other treats into the chocolate and enjoy their dessert immediately.
  4. Fruit. Not every parent is keen to get kids hopped up on processed sugar. But you probably still want to have some sort of treat to commemorate the date of your child’s birth, especially if you’re hosting a party with dozens of kids that expect cake and candles. In this case, a good alternative to the traditional treat is an artfully arranged fruit platter. Most kids love to munch on summer faves like melons and berries. And you can even get chocolate-covered options from vendors like Edible Arrangements if you want to jazz it up a little.
  5. Cupcakes. One of the best alternatives to a traditional cake is cupcakes. While you can make your own, you might also consider visiting a vendor like Sweet Arleens in order to get a variety of flavors for kids to choose from. As dessert options go, this could be one of the easiest for the harried parent trying to put together a birthday party.


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