Pre-Interview research you cannot skip

It case you’ve managed to get to job interview but you cannot answer the question “What do you know about our company?” you are in dead water. If you don’t impress your potential employer with an answer to this question, you have very little chances for success. In fact, being well-prepared for the interview can make or break applicant’s chances at a landing new job. Read along and learn about the search to conduct before the interview, and later click here to find job openings in you city.


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Be Well Prepared for Job Interview

I guess, even the newbie knows that you should arrive couple minutes ahead of time, in appropriate clothes and with questions for the interviewers, with cell phone switched off, and several copies of your résumé available to give to your interviewers. You should as well prepare answers to standard questions and all types of interviews you might have. But wait, there are some more things you can do to succeed at the interview.


Make Critical Pre-Interview Research

Prepare by knowing everything about the organization, its location, competition and the industry. If possible, try researching people you might be interviewed by as well. There are a lot of places on the Internet where you can find the information you need. Throughout the preparation process keep notes on the questions appear.

1. Visit the website of the organization. The info you find there is what they tell the world about themselves. Look through all the pages and learn about the industry and purpose of organization. Become familiar with brands and services, check for press releases and latest news about the company.

2. Use Google, Bing and YouTube to gather information. That is where you can see the party line relates to the world itself, and what the rest of the world thinks about it. The reality about the company can be different from the one you

get though official website. Use a search engine or two to learn about the product or service name. Look for reviews and happy/unhappy customers, competing companies and products.

3. Check the LinkedIn profiles of the company and interviewers. For most organizations, LinkedIn provides info about workers and job openings. If you know who is going to be at your interview, see what you can discover about them – try to get the sense of people who work there, what kind of people are hired, and

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