What can I expect if I choose an MBA in health care?

A Master’s Degree in Business Administration can do a lot for you on its own, but if you have a career in mind, or you’re already on the career ladder and need a better degree in order to move up a few rungs, then you’ll want to consider a more specific MBA. For the health care field, that means choosing an MBA in Health Care, or an MBA in Health Care Management. This type of MBA will educate you and provide you with the basic skills needed for business administration, while simultaneously providing you with valuable skills that are directly relevant to the health care field. For health care and health care management, you can expect an MBA to ready you for handling operations on a small or large scale – so from managing a physician’s office to overseeing practices in a multi-office building, to quite possibly assisting with running an entire health care facility such as a retirement community or hospital. Other jobs you can qualify for with this type of MBA include health care agencies, government agencies, as well as insurance companies.

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In order to begin working on your MBA, you’ll first need to have a bachelor’s degree, or at the very least equivalent education and hands-on training in the health care field. If you have completed any under-grad coursework, make sure you have test results and transcripts available in case they are requested. And assuming you have already worked in the industry, portfolios and a resume will also be incredibly helpful. The application process will vary from school to school – Northeastern, for example, may have a quicker turnaround since they offer online courses; whereas a smaller school may require a longer period of time to process your application due to not having a large number of staff available to handle the intake process.

Courses that a health care MBA will cover include organization, accounting and budgeting, staffing and human resources, following laws and administrative policies, and economics and marketing. You’ll work hard during the course of earning an MBA, but the work will pay off, and often quickly: many graduates find themselves applying for and receiving jobs in hospitals and government agencies. Leadership roles are the types of health care careers you’ll be most qualified for, and you can expect to be able to apply for these types of jobs immediately upon graduation.

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