Toddlers Birthday Party Tips

IMG_5476Can a toddler’s birthday party be simple and fun Read on to find out great tips for throwing the most fun toddler birthday party that is simple, fun and completely meets your needs.

The hardest part of throwing a birthday party for toddlers is that children in this age group have many limitations. There are a lot of things that are not good to do with a group of toddlers that you can do with older children. Parents often are hesitant about how to plan a birthday party for younger children because of this.

Toddlers have limited attention spans. They also can not follow complex instructions and they need supervision at all times. These things are very important to know because you will want plan the party to provide for these limitations.

A birthday party for toddlers needs to be put together with simple activities that keep the children active. The key to success lies in always being prepared and ready for the little distractions that can happen. You must always have a back up plan for your toddler birthday party.

The back up plan is essential. You can never plan enough when it comes to unpredictable toddlers. If things do not turn out as planned then you have to know how to deal with that.

Typical back up plans include activities for the children to act as a distraction.

When planning activities for the party you need to ensure that everything needed is in place before the party starts. You cannot leave the children unattended to go get supplies. Also, toddlers do not have much patience and want to be entertained continually.

You must remember that toddlers are not good with complex directions. Activities and other party events need to be familiar to them so they can understand what is going on. When a toddler doesn’t understand you will lose their attention and chaos can quickly follow.

At this age, children also want to be independent and love being creative. Games should be easy enough for the toddlers to understand with minimal assistance while also helping kids to be more independent. Things like blowing bubbles, a water balloon toss or face painting are all good activities for the young kids.

Keeping things at a steady pace is important during the party. No toddler will deal well with down time. You need to move from activity to activity with little time for standing around. Keep the children busy and the party should go rather nicely.

It is also important that you ensure there is adequate adult supervision. If you think that there are too many children for you to handle then you may want to get other parents to assist at the party. Proper supervision is necessary so that children can have lots of fun without getting injured.

Another great tip is that you should ensure you have enough supplies for everyone. It is always nice to think kids will share but at a birthday party let’s make it easy for them. For example, if the kids are blowing bubbles ensure that there is a bubbles tub for each kid.

Warn parents ahead of time if things will get messy. You might want to suggest a change of clothes be sent with each child.

Toddlers are fun at a party. They are always a blast and have an endless supply of energy. You may feel drained after throwing a toddler birthday party but it will be a rewarding experience. If you follow these helpful how to’s above then you should be able to throw the best toddler birthday party for your kid.
Creative Commons License photo credit: jessicafm

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