Not long ago, I told readers of this column about an upcoming book called Twin Connections: Stories That Celebrate the Mysterious Bond Between Twins, by Debbie LaChusa. At that time, I asked readers to submit stories for inclusion, and I’m pleased to announce that it has now been published!
Whether it’s the way they finish each other’s sentences, know when their twin is in trouble, feel each other’s pain, or seem to have uncanny parallels in their lives, there is definitely a connection between twins unlike any other sibling relationship. Author Debbie LaChusa, a fraternal twin, always wanted to know if other twins experienced the same things that she and her sister did. This curiosity led her to begin collecting stories from twins around the world that demonstrate this unique bond between twins. Whether you are a twin, a parent of twins, a parent expecting twins, or simply a friend or relative of twins, you will enjoy this amazing collection of twin stories. And, it may just help you better understand the twins in your life. Chapters include:
Shared Sickness, Pain . . . and Pregnancy!
Still Connected Beyond Death
Separation Anxiety
Teenage Twins
Two Heads Are Better Than One
Twins Run in the Family
Twin Predictions
Being a Twin Is a Blessing
Whether you’re a twin yourself, or a friend or relative of twins, I’m certain you’ll enjoy these true and incredible tales of “twin connections”! Twin Connections is available in paperback or as an eBook at
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