This backpack is designed so that you can carry your CD player or MP3 player and be able to listen to your music while walking, riding or just treking around. It has a single strap for easy carrying over one arm and has many compartment areas for carrying books, notepads and other items.
This backpack was made for the music lover in mind. The main compartment has a removable MP3 holder so that you always have your music right with you. There is a hole for your earphone cord to come out so you never have to bother anyone else with your music. There are numerous compartments included in this backpack. All of these compartments have easy access with dual zippers. There is also a cell phone holder and the front pocket organizer has a detachable key chain holder. There are many places to store things like pens, pencils and all the necessities of the day. The bungee cord along the front panel makes access easier, without the big and bulky look of other backpacks.
The single shoulder strap allows you to carry the backpack over one shoulder. It is padded making for less strain on your arm and shoulder. It also includes side compression straps.
Cons: There are a couple of things I didn’t like about this backpack. The main compartment is not very big. If you are in high school or college and have a lot of books to carry this backpack is not going to be much help for carrying all the books needed at once. The material is not very durable. If you carry too much at once the zipper will have a tendency to stick. I was trying to loosen the zipper and the material tore very easily.
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