Holiday traveling is common. You may be planning a visit with out of state family members or friends. Try to listen to weather reports prior to traveling. If you do see inclement weather on the way, do not drive. It is better to miss a holiday event then risk your life driving in bad weather. If you do decide to travel, are you prepared if your car breaks down? It is always wise to carry certain items in your car for emergencies. You may have to wait for help to arrive should this occur and carrying these items in your vehicle may not only make you more comfortable, but it could save your life.
Things to Carry In Your Vehicle for Emergency Situations:
*Water and other nonalcoholic beverages
*a flashlight
*a blanket
*extra clothing
*snow brush and windshield scraper
*jumper cables
*a small rug or bag of sand for snow emergencies for traction
*cell phone
*towing rope
*a medium sized shovel
*candles and matches
*a red flag
If you should become stalled on the road or are stuck in snow you should call for help immediately. Do not wait too long, as it may take someone else some time to get there. If you get cold, run your vehicle for only short periods of time. Put on layers of clothing. Remember to avoid driving in unsafe weather conditions. It is better to be safe than sorry.
no i don’t have this stuff in my vehicle but surely you have and utilizing it very well