I was browsing the ‘net today and came across a link to a very cool website that I just had to share.
It’s called Capture The Magic and I couldn’t have found it at a better time. This site will provide your children with “proof” of Santa’s visit.
Here’s how it works:
1. Upload a photo of your home as it will appear on Christmas Eve.
2. Select from hundreds of various poses of Santa to add to your photo.
3. Combine the two together and download the picture right away.
I completely love this idea. To even play on the idea even further I’m thinking that I will set up my camera on Christmas Eve and tell my kids that I have it setup to take Santa’s picture when he’s not looking. I really think my kids are going to enjoy seeing a pic of the jolly ‘ol elf himself right next to our tree.
If you want to take a look at the site here is the link:
(This is my affiliate link and if you decide to order your own photo, I will receive a commission for your purchase.)
This is so totally and completely AWESOME!!!! 😀