How to Save Money on School Supplies & Clothes

Happy mom shopping for school suppliesClothing and school supplies are another major expense in most families.  If your kids are anything like most, they are pretty picky about the clothes they wear.  They want the latest styles and name brands.  It’s enough to break any budget!

But you don’t have to pay name brand prices for name brand clothes.  You can even get the latest fashions at shockingly low prices if you know where to look.

One place to try is eBay.  Sometimes you can snag the latest fashions brand new at rock bottom prices because people buy them and change their mind, or because they get them as gifts and don’t like them, but they don’t have a receipt to exchange it.

Discount outlets are another great place to try.  You may think they only have last year’s fashions, but sometimes they have very recent clothing at huge discounts.

You may also want to shop off season.  If you buy spring clothing in the fall, and fall clothing in the spring, you’ll save a lot of money by purchasing clearance items.  They’ll be one season old, but they will still be very stylish.

Don’t forget consignment shops.  These shops specialize in carrying name brand clothing at discount prices, plus, you can take in your own old clothing to trade for new stuff.

You may also want to get on the mailing list for all of your favorite stores.  I get coupons and offers in my email all the time from my favorite stores.  Just last month I got a coupon for 25% off jeans at my favorite store, plus a coupon for $10 off any purchase of $50 or more.  That added up to huge savings on brand new stuff!

For school supplies, I recommend shopping IN season.  It may be surprising since most items should be bought OFF season, but school supplies are actually cheaper in the weeks before school starts.

Stores are highly competitive when it comes to getting the back-to-school crowds, and they run shocking sales sometimes in order to capture their share.

I’ve purchased packages of pens that retail for over $2 for as little as $0.49.  I’ve bought spiral bound notebooks for $0.10!  Many stores run sales like these as loss leaders.  They’re actually losing money on the items themselves, but they’re hoping you’ll do the rest of your back-to-school shopping there at full prices.

I always grab all of the sale papers for all of my local stores for the back-to-school sales, and I map out a route to each one that has the best deals on certain supplies.  I often stock up on enough notebook paper, spiral bound notebooks, pens, pencils, and other supplies to last all year, and I end up saving an incredible amount of money.

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