Buying a present for father’s day can arguably be a headache, because of so many different reasons. Although most dads are sweet and lovely they all seem to have those moments when they become moody, rude, vulgar or even miserable.
I can’t recall how many times I saw my enthusiasm and excitement on finding that perfect gift, was swept away by the indifference my dad showed when he unwrapped my present. Many of my friends had similar experiences every now and then but those who tried to stop bothering buying a present for father’s day ended up in much unpleasant confrontations.
One way or another and no matter how great or not your gifts is going to be it all comes down to their mood in that particular moment. If it is a good moment the you’ll be appraised and be very happy with your choice, otherwise you will regret for all that time, effort and money spent. But how come men react in so unpredictable ways while they claim they are the reasonable ones? Why can’t they give any reason they behave so rude sometimes even though there is no apparent reason that would justify for that sort of behavior?
Whatever the reason may be women are always easier when it comes to receive a present. The eyes will blink, a smile will be followed by a warm hug or a kiss feeling flattered by any kind of present more or less. I had never had any problem buying something for Mother’s Day, whether it was some flowers, clothes, a book or a home accessory. Trying any of those for my dad would always end up in a nightmare, receiving negative or sarcastic comments, or even worse, not receiving anything back at all.
Nevertheless, as I was getting more and more mature and experienced, bearing in mind that men are pretty much grown up boys, I came up with a series of realisations that made it easy for me to make the right decisions. The key is to understand that men function in totally different ways than women, therefore choosing something for them should be based on different criteria and principles.
Top 5 tips for Father’s Day
1. Tell you dad about the uniqueness of whatever you bought. Men don’t like the idea that many other people have the same as them. Flea markets are ideal places for unique gifts. what is more, they won’t be able to find out how much money you spend and you will avoid being criticized for that.
2. Try to find out well in advance about something they need, or about that new hobby/activity they have recently taken up. They will be greatly surprised if you seem to know something that not too many people know about them.
3. Researching their childhood is also another great area as it will uncover many potential gift opportunities. Toys the used to play with when they are kids, old school books etc. The harder to find, the better. If you are lucky enough to be in touch with one of their old friends, try to get hold of that black and white photo from school or from the university. Just make a print, find a nice cornice and voila!
4. Most men are quite practical, thus investing on something useful to them is likely to make the trick. A brand new multi-purpose tool would be a good choice based on their intersects but it would be worth checking with their male friends as there is a bit of risk in such a choice.
5. Believe it or not cooking that great dish they haven’t had since their mum passed away is one of the most memorable presents ever. Or just buy some home-made cheese from where they come from or that tasteless bottle of wine that comes from where they come would also work. If you are brave enough to cook though, make sure you do it well, otherwise you will utterly regret.
Modi is an SEO who is currently working for a company that promotes father’s day gifts. He’s a dad and sympathizes with all those who struggle buying a gift for their dad.
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