We do not need a scientist to know that there are major differences between boys and girls. All that you need to do is have a couple of each or ask the mother who has both boys and girls. They will tell you that there are unique distinctions amongst them.
The ways of a boy are quite active and exciting. They like to move and move a lot! They also like to watch other things in motion and are quite advanced at this. They kick their feet more and are much more prone to squirming. Boys also tend to injure themselves more and need medical treatment more than girls do for their injuries. Boys like to be where the action is and people fascinate them. Most boys know no fear in their actions. They will “take a chance” if something looks kind of tricky to them and hope for the best.
Girls are a little more slow to respond when they are not sure of a situation. They contemplate what is taking place before they make any moves. They are definitely more cautious than their male counterparts. We all know that most girls grow up to be talkers. Girls are known for their communication at a very young age. They are great listeners too. Their fine motor skills are more developed than a boys motor abilities. They are great at picking up small objects. As for their talking, they are advanced and they talk sooner than the boys do.
This is where it all starts! Boys and girls do have some very significant differences, but they are both unique in their own ways. Unique and equally as wonderful!
Never would have agreed with this ten years ago, but now, with what I have witness over the years….you are so on it! Thank you for a great post.