The Troubles with Teething

Teething isn’t fun for anyone. As parents, we know teething equals crankiness, which in turn equals frustrated babies and mommies. It’s easy to let a … [Read more...]

Where Did My Baby Go?

A few months ago I thought 18 months was the perfect age for a child. My son was blossoming from a helpless baby into an increasingly independent … [Read more...]

Tips for Selling Baby Items at a Yard Sale

Is it time to clean out your baby’s closet? Are you overloaded with 3-6 month sized clothing... and your child is 18-months old? Sure, you could take … [Read more...]

Tips for Buying Baby Items at Yard Sales

It’s summer and you know what that means—lemonade, fresh slices of watermelon, days at the beach... and, yes, yard sales! Yard sales are one of the … [Read more...]

Fun Activities for Kids in New Jersey: Part Two

New Jersey isn’t dirty—it’s fun, especially for kids. Here are a few (more) places to take kids when you’re in New Jersey: Seaside Heights … [Read more...]

Fun Activities for Kids in New Jersey: Part One

New Jersey offers a seemingly endless supply of fun activities for kids. Whether you’re going to spend a summer’s day at a boardwalk on the New Jersey … [Read more...]

Car Seats and Airplanes: Is Your Car Seat FAA Approved?

Not all car seats are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for use on an airplane. Before you take your car seat on a plane, it’s … [Read more...]

A Car Seat Safety Primer

Car seat safety is always evolving. Remember the car seats (or lack thereof) you rode in as a child? Scary, huh? The American Academy of Pediatrics … [Read more...]

Can You Tone Your Breasts?

Technically, no. Many moms wonder if saggy breasts are inevitable and if breasts can be firmed or toned. In this case, you may have to embrace your … [Read more...]

Toning (and Loving) Your Stomach

Go ahead and feel your belly. Come on, do it. Does it stick out further than you’d like? If no, congrats for being so fit and/or being so comfortable … [Read more...]