How to score good marks in school exams

Those of us who are adults now can remember back when we were in elementary school and high school and had to prepare for our school exams. The days seemed longer than most and even if the tests themselves weren’t especially hard, we oftentimes felt nervous about the kinds of results that we would get.

Fast forward to being parents with children who are in the exact same predicament, and we can totally understand why they might be experiencing similar feelings. The good news is that you now have some of the wisdom to provide them with a few tips on how they can put their best food forward while they are taking their school exams.

If you would like a few tips to help your kids do well on their tests, we have five for you below:

Speak with their teachers. With all of the hustle and bustle that comes with the life’s daily demands, sometimes we find ourselves not speaking with our children’s teachers until it’s time for parent/teacher conferences; however, in order to stay on top of your kids’ school performances, especially when you know that a test is coming, make an appointment to speak with their teacher(s) either at school or by phone. That way, you can hear, firsthand, how your children need to personally prepare.

Study with them. When it’s time for your children to do their homework or study for an exam, make it a point to not simply send them to their room but to actually sit in the room with them and offer any kind of assistance they might need. It’s a good way to show your support and that can help to boost their overall confidence.

Make sure they get sleep and eat well. The couple of days leading up to their tests are crucial when it comes to making sure that they get 8-10 hours of sleep and that they eat well-balanced meals. When children are rested and they have the proper nutrients in their system, that helps to them be able to focus better when while they are taking their tests.

Do fun drills. A big part of doing well on tests is being able to recall what you studied. So, whether it’s creating flash cards or creating family games that include some of the information that your children need to ace their test, make it a point to do some fun drills the week before. It will make it easier for them to retain what they’ve been learning.

Provide encouragement. Whether your children are taking standardized tests in elementary school, an ACT test in high school or even studying for exams while attending a college like UC online, they are always appreciative of your love and encouragement. So, before your children get on the school bus or out of your car to walk into their school building, take out some time to tell them how smart there are, how special they are and how you believe that they can do anything that they set their mind to. Just knowing that you are there for them, may be the extra “push” they need to do well on their exams.


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