Ever wonder why cops wear hats?

There are several reasons why an officer wears police hats. These range from basic warmth to safety. Hats are an important part of the law enforcement uniform, and they have become the main way we identify them from others.

While in pursuit, the hat identifies the individual to other law enforcement involved. This is for safety. It reduces their likelihood of being in the line of fire when things get heated up.

Civilians can easily find a police officer by looking for their hat. It also serves as identification to witnesses in misconduct matters. The law enforcement hat displays a second badge where citizens can find their officer number.

police hats


There’s even a psychological aspect to their hats. They give the feeling of authority and power to both the officer and civilians. Children learn to respect police officers, and civilians have a feeling of safety when they see a uniformed law official. Another great benefit is that criminals tend to hold back on their behaviour when they spot a uniformed officer nearby.

We can’t forget that their hats add protection for them against the elements keeping them warm and dry. We all know the traditional uniform hat that officers wear in most situations where civilians come in contact with them. Blauer offers covers to both protect and add to the functionality of these dress caps. The black hat cover is waterproof due to its Tech-lite urethane coating over 200 denier nylon oxford fabric. It is held in place with an elastic edge. The 107 version is reversible, allowing the choice of a high visibility yellow that is perfect for dark settings.

Law enforcement can also wear other types of hats for different situations they may work in. The Watch Cap comes in a lined or unlined version. They are made of a low pill acrylic fiber combined with wool, and it comes in a choice of dark navy or black. These caps are durable, comfortable, and machine washable. It comes in a traditional stocking cap design with ribbed knit. The lined option includes a windproof, yet breathable wind stopper lining.

A great choice in hats for officers who are on duty near traffic or on inclement days is the HI-Vis Skull Cap. This allows a contemporary look with its sleek appearance. The color is bright yellow with a crosswalk patterned edge for extra visibility. It allows the wearer all the benefits and warmth as the Watch Cap, but provides the extra safety of high visibility hues.

Law enforcement sometimes needs a more casual hat such as the military styled fatigue caps. To the average citizen they look similar to a baseball cap. The Stretch Fitted Cap lies closer to the head, but it still includes the bill that helps protect the officer’s eyes from wind and sun. The B.DU Patrol Cap comes in three colors; navy, black and green. Those who need a camouflage version of this style of hat will enjoy the 184C Multicam B.DU Patrol Cap.

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