Mischievous Multiples

We’ve all heard the expression “double trouble,” and there’s a reason for it—it’s true! It seems that all parents of twins say their children need to be watched like hawks, particularly in the toddler and preschool years. … Continue reading...

Do Your Twins Fight a Lot?

If your multiples are anything like mine, they’re constantly at each other’s throats! It’s gotten to the point where I can’t even leave the room to put in a load of laundry without worrying that one will hurt the other. I … Continue reading...

How the World’s Largest Twins’ Festival in Twinsburg Got Started

Every year, more than 3,000 sets of twins of all ages and from all around the world gather in Twinsburg, Ohio. It is the world’s largest annual gathering of twins! Held the first weekend in August, the Twins Days Festival is … Continue reading...

What Should You Name Your Twins?

If you're expecting twins, you may find that it's hard enough for you and your partner to agree on one name, let alone two! My husband and I had a difficult time. For some reason, we agreed almost immediately on two girls' … Continue reading...

Will They Ever Sleep at the Same Time?

The first six months of my twins’ lives is a blur. My husband and I were so sleep-deprived that we wore T-shirts labeled “Grump 1” and “Grump 2.” Honestly, those first six months felt like six years! It seemed like our babies … Continue reading...

Twins’ Special Bond

I always wondered if my twins would have that special bond that some twins seem to have—that emotional connection that goes beyond most sibling relationships. Because my twins are fraternal, I had my doubts that they would … Continue reading...

Surviving Toddler Twins

When I was going through the really exhausting days of infancy with my twins, I remember thinking to myself, Boy, I can’t wait until they can walk and talk. Once they’re a little more independent, it will be so much easier!! … Continue reading...

Fascinating Facts About Twins

There are a lot of interesting myths, rumors and questions surrounding the phenomenon known as twins. Let’s sort out the facts from the fiction: … Continue reading...

Why Are Twins So Different?

People who don�t have twins frequently assume that multiples are exactly alike. Although some twins may be difficult to tell apart from a physical standpoint, their differing personalities often give them away! My own twin … Continue reading...

Working Moms

Being a Mom sure is not an easy task. We are entitled to be more than one person a day. We become Doctors, Teachers, Friends, Story Tellers, Taxi, chefs and so on. We choose to work at home for many reasons, we need to be … Continue reading...