If you happen to be amongst the millions of women suffering from thinning hair, you are probably facing all kinds of issues. The first is that you may not know how to treat the hair you have left. If you’re used to having a full, thick head of hair, thinning locks could really throw you for a loop when it comes to styling. But the bigger issue for most women centers on a sense of self (and self-esteem) that is tied into having long, sexy, healthy hair. Those dealing with hair loss may feel like they’re no longer attractive or that people are looking at them differently and judging them. And sadly, the condition often strikes women during their twenties or thirties; contrary to popular belief, it is not relegated only to those long past menopause. For this reason, most women would do just about anything to preserve the thick mane that they love from fading away. And there are some preventive measures that can be taken.
There are three main reasons women suffer hair loss. The first and by far the most common is genetics; if your mother and grandmother have had to deal with hair loss the chances are good that you will, too. You may also suffer a medical condition that causes your hair to thin, or it may be related to medications you’re taking. There are other possibilities, but these are the most likely culprits. Luckily, there are ways to address each of these issues. Although you can’t change your genetic makeup, in a way you should consider yourself lucky that you can see what’s ahead (no pun intended). When you realize that you’re on the same path to thinning hair that women in your family have gone down before, you can start taking measures to prevent it early on, unlike women who never see it coming.
Of course, those who suffer hair loss as a result of a medical condition or a prescription they’re taking can certainly address those issues, but by the time they realize what has happened the damage will have been done and they’ll find themselves facing an uphill battle to regenerate the strands they’ve lost. If you know that you’re likely to have thinning hair sooner rather than later, there are steps you can take to keep the hair you have from going the way of the dodo.
For starters, you can treat your tresses to a little TLC. Keep them healthy and nourished with natural products and try to avoid dying, perming, or otherwise chemically treating your hair. If you can manage it, stressful heat treatments (daily drying and flat-ironing, for example) should also be avoided in order to ensure that strands will not be lost in this way, at the very least. From there you can start using an OTC topical product with minoxidil (like Rogaine for women) or see a dermatologist about a prescription product.
Although many doctors are hesitant to prescribe hormonal treatments, you could also consider taking oral medication to block androgen in your system (a known cause of hair loss). There are, of course, possible side effects, as with any long-term medication. If nothing else works and your hair is getting thinner by the day, you could even consider restoration procedures (like those offered by tempushair.com). But just about any treatment you choose could cost you out of pocket since hair loss, even when linked to a serious medical condition, is considered a cosmetic issue. In any case, it is likely to cost less and be less dramatic if you begin treating the condition early.
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