Online shopping is something that people are doing more and more. A lot of people like to know that there are discounts available or promotional offers that can utilise to get the best deals. More often than not these promotional offers are sent to the emails of current customers to keep them buying products so it is not always a bad thing when the company want to keep your emails! Everything from free delivery to 20% your latest purchase are all things that many of us want to be able to take advantage of.
Asos is a good website that offer promotions weekly. They also have an offer to pay £9.95 for a year and in return you get free next day delivery on all of your orders, which can save you a lot of time and money.
Promotional codes tend to be utilised by the high streets, offering their customers something extra to encourage them to keep buying from their shop, sites such as Topshop, Miss Selfridge and River Island are the most common ones. If you aren’t registered with them, you should, it could mean you can buy your favourite items with money off them – which always makes you feel a little better!
However, it’s not only high street brands that offer promotions. GalaBingo regularly post promotions on their twitter page for people to view and go on their site to make the most of them. It is often promotions for money off new games or a chance to sign up and get money to use on the slot machines. They also tweet about new or ‘must play’ games that you need to have a look at and see for yourself. Recently the game Troy was tweeted telling gamers to get online and play one of the best games they have on the site.
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