Bed wetting is a problem that a lot of children have to deal with. It is actually a more common problem than you may believe. For this reason, it is necessary to figure out just what can be done to help these children. If you have a child who is wetting his or her bed, here are some tips for you.
1. Work with your child to do exercises that will control the muscle that either retains or permits the passage of urine. This exercise is done while your child is in the middle of urinating. At this time your child will stop urinating by squeezing the muscles that are controlling the flow of urine. Your child should start and stop 3 times each time she goes to the bathroom. This works for a lot of children, especially those who are more than 6-years-old. You should actually be able to see this improvement within 2 weeks of doing this exercise.
2. Visualization can also work to overcome bed wetting. What you want your child to do is relax and close their eyes. They should then imagine themselves asleep and needing to go to the bathroom at which time they will then visualize themselves waking up and going to the bathroom. Of course, your child will need to visualize this once a day for several weeks before it will actually work.
3. While it is important for children to be well hydrated, an hour or 2 before your child goes to bed he should stop drinking liquids. This will ensure that the body will not produce a lot of urine at night.
4. While you are working on this bed wetting issue, your child should only drink water. This is because drinks with caffeine in them will irritate your child’s bladder, making him have to go to the bathroom more frequently. Other drinks for which this is true is alcohol and apple juice (even applesauce).
5. Keep a close eye on your child’s diet. Some foods can cause bed wetting. This includes sugary foods, carbonated drinks, milk, yellow cheese and any products that contain these things. When you know what the last thing that your child has eaten before the bed wetting incident, it is a good idea to eliminate this food from their diet at night to see if this will help stop the bed wetting.
6. Encourage your child to use the bathroom before going to bed for the night. You may even want to wake your child up to use the bathroom before you yourself go to sleep. This will decrease the amount of urine that is in your child’s bladder at night.
7. If your child is diagnosed with Enuresis or is a heavy sleeper you should consider purchasing an alarm for your child to wear. This will emit a noise that will wake your child up so that she has enough time to go to the bathroom. The idea here is that your child will eventually learn to wake himself up in order to go to the bathroom. Usually this works after about two weeks.
We have worked with and cured thousands of children and infused their parents with hope at the Enuresis Treatment Center in Farmington, MI. Besides being a deep sleep disorder, research shows that bedwetting is also genetic. If both parents have a history of bedwetting there is a 77% chance the child will also wet the bed. The average length of treatment is 6 months, and we are certain we can correct the sleep disorder and end bedwetting. Go to for more info.
Children who wet the bed do this for more reasons than poor muscle control. Some of it is psychological. The main thing is that you need to determine what is causing it before doing kegals or just keeping them in diapers until they grow out of it. Some never do, and I see 100’s of teens shopping for adult diapers, as they never determined what was causing their urinary incontinence.
As a sleep disorder, bedwetting seems fairly common and is luckily not life threatening, although it’s certainly an emotional issue. I think it also points to other potential sleep disorders and warrants a through doctor’s examination and even a sleep study.
I was a bedwetter. It sucked! I finally grew out of it when I was about eleven years old.