Web Sites for Multiples Organizations

Multiples groups are a great resource for meeting other parents of multiples and finding information about raising twins, triplets, and more. The largest organization in the United States is the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC). They are the parent for many state or multi-state organizations, which in turn serve the needs of many local organizations. You can become a member of the NOMOTC, your state organization, and/or a local chapter. Look for helpful newsletters, conventions and meetings, and more! Here are web sites for the NOMOTC, as well as some of the state organizations. The NOMOTC web site also provides contact information on many of the local chapters.


National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC): www.nomotc.org


Arizona State Mothers of Multiples Organization: www.asmomo.org


Northern California Association of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.ncamotc.homestead.com


Southern California Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.scmotc.org


Colorado Parents of Multiples: http://home.coloradopom.org


Florida Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.fomotc.org


Georgia Organization of Mothers of Multiples: www.gomomc.org


Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.iomotc.org


Indiana Federation of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.ifmotc.org


Kansas Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: http://members.cox.net/komotc/


Kentucky State Mothers of Multiples: www.orgsites.com/ky/ksmom/


Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association: www.mmota.org


Michigan Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.momotc.org


Missouri Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.missourimotc.org


New Jersey Association of Twins Mothers Clubs: www.njatmc.org


New York Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.nysomotc.org


North Carolina Mothers of Multiples: www.ncmom.org


Ohio Federation of Twins Mothers Clubs: www.ofmotc.org


Oklahoma Mothers of Multiples: www.omoms.org


Pennsylvania Organization of Mothers of Multiples Clubs: www.pomotc.org


Texas Mothers of Multiples: www.tmom.net


Wisconsin Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.womotc.org


Northwest Association of Mothers of Twins Clubs: www.nwamotc.org


Mid-Atlantic Parents of Multiples: www.orgsites.com/va/mapom/

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About Susan Heim

Susan M. Heim is an author and editor, specializing in multiples, parenting, women’s and Christian issues. Her books include "Boosting Your Baby's Brain Power"; "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More"; "It’s Twins! Parent-to-Parent Advice from Infancy Through Adolescence"; "Twice the Love: Stories of Inspiration for Families with Twins, Multiples and Singletons"; and, "Oh, Baby! 7 Ways a Baby Will Change Your Life the First Year." Upcoming books include "Chicken Soup for the Soul: All in the Family," "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Women," and "Moms of Multiples' Devotions to Go." Susan's articles and essays have appeared in many books, magazines and Web sites. She is a member of the National Association of Women Writers and the Southeastern Writers Association, and has a degree in Business Administration from Michigan State University. Susan lives with her husband and four sons (two teenagers and twin grade-schoolers) in Florida.

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