How to Set Up Your Back to School Routine

Heading back to school is an exciting time for everyone involved. However, all of the stimulation can turn chaotic, leaving everyone feeling overstressed. Here are a few strategies that help my family ease into the new school year.

Start Early

Get a jumpstart on the school year by making sure your kids get adequate amounts of sleep. During the week or two before school starts, enforce a regularly scheduled bedtime. Grab window shades or blankets to block out all of the evening summer fun or provide eye masks for your kids that can be picked up for about a dollar at your local craft or fabric store.

Establish additional routines that include:

  • Bathing, reading stories and going to bed
  • Getting up, getting dressed and eating breakfast
  • Chores around the house
  • Practice work in activity books

These extra steps will help everyone feel more comfortable as the school year gets going.

Stock Up

Reduce the potential chaos and anxiety of school starting by getting things ready. If you haven’t yet gotten school supplies, you may want to head to the nearest Teacher Store with your list and stock up. Once they’ve been purchased, make sure the necessary school supplies are ready to go in your kids’ backpacks.

Add nutritious items that are easy to transport for school snacks and lunches to your grocery shopping list. Put some of these items out of reach so they don’t get eaten before school starts. Take this time to also go through your child’s basic clothing items, like socks, underwear and shoes. At this point in the summer, you may find that the shoes have been outgrown and your kids’ socks are full of holes – this is a great time to get replacements!

Go On Your Own Fieldtrip

There’s always some anxiety for kids as a new school year approaches. They may wonder about their teacher and if they’ll like him/her. Take away the mystery and apprehension by visiting your kids’ school the week before, especially if you have younger kids or if your children are new to the school. Meet the principal and your children’s teachers if possible. Find out the locations of important places, like bathrooms, the library, the gym and the cafeteria.

A little preparation can provide a smooth transition into the new school year for your entire family.

Kelly Wilson is a busy mom and expert on frugal living.Kelly is also an editor for Teaching Resource Center, providing classrooms with high-quality Teacher Supplies and Teachers’ Lesson Plans for over 25 years.

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