Preparing your Child for Preschool-How to Prepare Your Family for Preschool

photo credit: cienpies

Preschool affects your entire family, not just your preschooler.  It’s a big adjustment to start adhering to a schedule that includes any type of formal education.  Some of the items that your family may struggle with include:

Eating Breakfast – If breakfast is not already part of your schedule you will want to change that immediately.  Children, and adults, concentrate and learn better when they’ve had a healthy breakfast.

Getting Enough Sleep – Children need more sleep than adults so make sure you put your preschooler down early enough in the evening to guarantee them a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night.

No Morning Rushing – Nothing frustrates a parent quicker than being late and it can also upset your preschooler.  It is best to give everyone a little more time than usual in the morning to get ready for preschool.

Being Prepared – One of the best ways to be prepared for school each morning is to lay everything out the night before.  This includes clothes, supplies, and any other items that may be needed during the day.  This is also a great idea for older children so that they have less rushing around to do in the morning.

Getting Homework Completed – While most preschoolers do not bring homework home they may bring notes from the teacher or family activity assignments home.  It’s always best to look through your preschooler’s bag each day, when they get home, to make sure that you have time to complete any assignment that may be due.

While it may seem strange that your child starting preschool can affect everyone in the family, the list above shows how this can happen.  It’s also important for family members to remember to be good role models when it comes to eating, sleeping, and doing activities.  Starting a new family schedule can also bring about peace in an otherwise hectic household.

Building a solid family schedule will be beneficial for your child as they continue through school and can help them maintain heavier schedules in high school, college, and once they are in the work force.  These good habits can also be useful for older children and parents as they continue to find themselves busier and busier with added responsibilities of children’s activities, work schedules, and community involvement.

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