5 Easily Missed Methods To Get Your Child Reading That Really Work

So many things in a child’s world may get in the way of reading. There are a greater number of diversions than ever before to hamper their experience with the printed book. If it is not the newest video game or other online visual candy, it may be hobbies, sports, music or friends that demand all their time.

Typically, parents hope for their children to rise higher in the world, and data compilations have demonstrated that the life of a reader is more enhanced on many levels for those who do not read. Unfortunately, illiteracy rates are increasing in The United States. Being unable to read decreases chances for success and happiness in life. Nobody wishes for such a sad outlook for themselves or their children. Following are a few easy steps to assist you to help your child move forward toward a love of reading. The list follows, commencing with one helpful component, and ending with the best component for rearing a family full of enthusiastic readers.

5. Gather beloved books for your child. Construct a well-loved and customized library at home.

4. Don’t read for too long. Choosing to keep the reading session short does a good job of introducing your child to reading without being overwhelming. Make sure it’s brief and you will keep it entertaining. Sticking to a reading session that is perhaps shorter than they might prefer can also be to your advantage for children advanced enough to be reading chapter books. When you break off reading just when it starts to get good, they will either want to finish for themselves or be eagerly awaiting the next installment. They will want to know how the action in the plot plays out. Either way they will be reading, so you will have succeeded.

3. Have a set place and a time for reading. You might pick out a reading nook following lunch – or to incorporate it into the bedtime routine – anything that suits your child and your circumstances will be just right. Reading will help you establish a schedule for your child that you each will keenly anticipate every day.

2. Try rhymes as a way to get them hooked on reading. There is a natural appeal of poetry that draws children. Poetry – specifically the carefree and vivacious rhymes composed for young readers – is a cheery avenue to start them on the path or recognizing pattern, flow and sound of language.

1. The best way to have children who are readers is to be a reader yourself. Make certain your children observe how much you enjoy reading on your own. Talk about reading and do not be too timid to show your enthusiasm for reading. In general, be upbeat about books and print and ensure that they know being a reader is fulfilling to you.

Try these techniques, and don’t forget that if you love books your children will be more likely to love it as well. The more exposure they have to books and words, the more engrossed they will tend to be as readers. Don’t forget to shake it up now and then but most important, have a good time with reading and these memories of books will last a lifetime.

About the Author
Margo Smith graduated with a B.S. degree from BYU. She draws from her experiences as a modern day children’s governess, her time spent in New England, her years in the corporate world and an author’s perspective on life when compiling articles about a variety of subjects from organic food to online classes to women’s issues.

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  1. Doron @ Teddy Bears For Sale says:

    I love reading books but I still spend more time in-front of my computer. There are many children who feel the same, so why not use it to increase reading? There are many reading resources for children on the internet. Some of them are even interactive and includes writing activities. If you have a IPed you can use the atractive interface to search for books together with the child, then let him or her “turn a page” and so on… I know it is not the way we grew up, but it may still increase reading and who knows, perhaps untill our kids grow up Iped and their replicas will be as common as PC’s and cell-phones are today…