What to do with those Valentine Flowers

Did you get a great Valentine floral arrangement and you want it to last forever. Well you should consider preserving it.

Before you dry your flower you need to make sure you flowers will dry well. Your flowers should not be fully bloomed. If they are fully bloomed they may loose their petals as they dry. Also think about the type of flower. Roses, and long lasting flowers will air dry well. But if you have other flower that are more delicate you may want to try pressing them. Some types of those flowers are daisys , gerbers, tulips.

Strip excess foliage from flowers cut stem to the length that you want it but not less then 6 inches. Remove the flowers from the sun once they are cut to help the flowers keep their original color . You can either rubber band them together or dry them each seperate.

Find a dark, dry area with good circulation. After you have secured your flowers you will need to hang them upside down. Let flowers dry for two to three weeks and make sure they are completely dry. Remove flowers and spray with hairspray to give them some extra protection. And now they are ready to display.

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About Crafty Mom

Tricia WAHM (and loving it) of 3 great kids.Married to Mr. Right. Family means everything to her. The Lord is the man that Tricia walks with..
Tricia Has always had a passion for crafting and hobbies and wants to share that passion with other moms.

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