Moms, Be A Guide for and Earn an Income from Home

The website, has a list of available topics they are looking for guides on. There are a lot of available topics but these ones stood out to me and bit about their topic descriptions:

Stay at home moms: QUALIFICATIONS: The Stay at Home Moms Guide will be a mom, ideally with very young children at home, who has decided to leave the outside work force and stay home or one who has not worked outside the home. The guide will be an excellent writer and communicator, have a friendly authoritative voice, be consistently able to produce concise and relevant content, possess a basic understanding of Internet use and website navigation, keep current with the latest news, issues and events related to moms who stay home to raise their children.

PRIMARY AUDIENCE: The primary audience for’s Stay at Home Mom content is a mom who is currently at home raising her children. The site should answer her questions about her role in the world, how to feel good about what she is doing, share ideas and inspiration about staying home to raise children and provide help on how to live on one income.

Visit the site for more information and topics.

work at home moms: QUALIFICATIONS: The Work at Home Mom guide will be someone with professional experience as a mom who works from her home, either part time or full time, has a successful business and a happy family. Ideal backgrounds include a mom who started her own home-based business or one who works for a large company out of her home office. The guide will be able to discuss all aspects of working from home, from time mangagement to child care when you work at home to what makes an ideal home-office arrangement. The guide will be an excellent writer and communicator, have a friendly, authoritative voice, be able to translate her expertise into relevant content, consistently produce concise and accurate copy, possess a basic understanding of Internet use and website navigation, foster a robust community, keep current with the latest news, issues and events related to working at home.

PRIMARY AUDIENCE: The primary audience for this site is other moms who work from home.

TOPICS TO COVER: Setting Up a Home Office–Essential Equipment, How to Establish Your Business, Finances 101, Legal Issues

Time Management & Organization–When and how to start your day, What are your business hours, How to turn work off and home on

Parenting Issues–Caring for Your Kids When You Work at Home–In house caregiver or not? At what age do you no longer need babysitting for them? How to establish work rules when your kids are around; Making time to attend school events; When your child is too sick for school

Momprenuers–Who works at home and why? What are the pros and cons of working at home? Can you run a successful business from home? What are the best types of businesses to run from home? What companies employ moms to work from home? Do work-at-home moms give their kids an advantage? Can you make it working part time?

Interested? Review the guide compensation for more information.  Sounds like a great opportunity.

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  1. Aurelia says:

    WOW what a great opportunity!! I subscribe to many of the newsletters at and they are all wonderful!

  2. Yes I thought of you Aurelia when I saw the one on parenting tweens.