When you have a family you need to make every dollar count. After paying bills and putting food on the table you still want to have fun, but having fun can get pricey. It’s important to stretch your entertainment dollars to the maximum, and with a little homework you can do just that. Don’t let the summer slip away without making the most of it.
Now Playing
A simple way to save money is when you go to the movie theater is to attend a matinee instead of going in the evening. Matinee ticket prices are cheaper, and if you have little ones an afternoon at the movies won’t disrupt their sleep schedule as much as staying out late will.
To avoid empty seats many theaters have deals on-line with discounted ticket prices. Some theaters even offer family packages, make sure to check your local theater’s website for any deals that they may offer. By saving on the tickets you can then buy the larger popcorn, or maybe some candy to share.
Now Playing at Home
If you have an HDTV, you can host movie night at home. Invite friends over to watch the latest blockbuster released on Blu-ray. This is less expensive than visiting a movie theater, but just as fun. Save even more money by choosing the right cable provider and ordering your films through their service instead of wasting gas to drive to a video rental store. Going out to the movies will soon be a thing of the past when you realize how awesome and comfortable it is to watch movies at home.
Movies aren’t the only thing available, there are also the biggest sporting events being offered with many of them broadcasted in HD. Check out the info at http://www.direct-ticket.net/directv/ to put together an entertainment package that is right for your family, and never miss a big game.
Now Playing on the World Wide Web
The internet offers unlimited amounts of entertainment from streaming movies, streaming live events, viral videos, social media, etc. Many cable and satellite providers include internet access with their subscription packages, so make sure you get the best deal available by bundling these services together. You’ll get a few free minutes to enjoy your morning coffee while the kids play the latest Disney game on-line, so make sure that you have the best internet access available in your area.
Now Playing Outside
Step outside and enjoy the great outdoors with the entire family. State parks provide season passes that will have your whole family enjoying your state’s most beautiful places. Pack a lunch and spend the day enjoying the park amenities without spending too much money.
Now Playing in Culture
Museums offer family packages with free admission for the little ones. Your children may not be ready to admire the works of the artistic masters, but there are plenty of museums that cater to the younger crowd. Children’s museums provide opportunities for hands on activities, age appropriate lessons, and engaging material.
Now Playing in the Backyard
There is plenty of fresh air to be had outside in your own backyard. A DIY playground will give the family a project to work on together, and provide countless hours of childhood play once the project is complete. A little planning and a trip to your local home supply store will save money, and create memories for a lifetime. HOMEdit offers a comprehensive list of inexpensive DIY playgrounds, so you can get the most out of your backyard without breaking the bank.
After all the fun of the day is over everyone can meet at the couch to enjoy some quiet time. Throw a couple of bags of popcorn in the microwave, pour some glasses of orange soda, turn-on a movie, and relax together as a family. In case of rain this is how the whole day can be spent without too much of a fuss.
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